Saturday, 28 September 2013


This is a series of scam emails.  00448719749988 is not in the UK, it just forwards the call.  Read: is a free email address which no real company would use.  Read: and

Job Vacancies
Job ID: ZRLH/UK/ RLH 02467-11
Tell: 00448719749988

MILLER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LONDON has immediate employment opportunities. RLH intends to invite experienced individuals/expatriates or Consultancy firm capable of rendering expertise services in various fields.Experienced is preferred, but we're willing to train an eager individual who wants to learn all aspects of pastry.

Interested candidates are to  submit your resume to via email :

Dr.Chris Davids
(Human Resource Manager)
Miller Construction Company.

Miller Construction Company.
Regional Headquarters
Miller House 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh London
Tell: 00448719749988


Thanks for your interest to work with our company; I have gone through your attached resume. As the Company's Human Resource Manager by name Dr.Chris Davids, on behalf of the Miller Construction Company London, United Kingdom we generally welcome you to be one of our candidates, who will be working in our company as soon as possible. We would have contacted you on phone for an interview but considering the number of persons we are to contact and the encumbrances and cost, we decided to interview you via this means, (E-mail). Your qualification is quite interesting and has made you eligible to work in our company.

We are having number of vacancies here in our company in which your qualification is in line with. So all you need to do now is patiently follow our recruiting procedure as we proceed further. We offers free Accommodation, free medical and dental care to our workers.

Attached to this mail is application and interview  forms, which you have to print out, fill it and return it back to us as an attach file via this same email. You are expected to fill you information correctly, as it will be attended officially here in the office by the concerned company officials.

However, kindly return your answer script to us within 72 hours of receipt. All instructions must be strictly adhered otherwise, cancellation may occur. Therefore be careful and answer the questions as required. Note that you should write the answers on a sheet of paper scan, and send it to me by email.

Note: Those who are eligible to submit an application for this job offer, are those their international passport is standing by with them and ready to relocate to the job location.

Special Note: All employees from outside the United Kingdom will be responsible for their Visa procurement in their respective regions or country as the case may be. We shall only reimburse all traveling expenses incurred by employee after confirmation of Visa.

We are anticipating a quick response to the form, which you have to fill and return back to us. Then you will be informed of the next step to be taken. You should be fast with this enrollment because time is no longer on our side now.......... Fill the form and return it back to us immediately via email.

Dr. Chris Davids Webster
(Human Resource Manager)
Miller Construction Company London

Sent: Friday, 27 September 2013 1:03 PM

We are located at Miller House
2 Loch sideView, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh
Tell: 00448719749988


Your name has been shortlisted/chooses among the lucky candidate who successfully pass our company application process, we appreciate your interest and willingness to work in our company. We have gone through your profile and your qualifications have made us to offer you the position of PROJECT ENGINEER, because of your educational background and experience.

In this mail there is an attached document called the Contract Agreement Letter, which you have to print out cooler, sign and return it back to us immediately for other official endorsement. Remember that you have only few weeks of enrollment in our company with all the legal formalities being completed including the Visa/Work Permit processing period.

However, after receiving this agreement letter duly signed by you, we will contact you for Appointment/Offer letter. After that you will be directed to our United Kingdom zoned coordinator in immigration office (Our United Kingdom Zoned Center). He will be the person to process your work permit documents.

Note: All applicants will take care of  the processing fee of their Visa/Work Permit, Highly Skilled Migrant Permit (HSMP) and other relevant documents with our coordinator/British Embassy in their respective countries. our company will provide flight ticket and house accommodation and all the expenses incurred during their traveling document procurement will be reimburse within five days upon submission of all their receipt of expenses.

Print out this document and sign after reading it and send it back to us for office use, awaiting to receive this agreement letter dully sign as soon as possible.

Dr. Chris Davids Webster
(Human Resource Manager)
Miller Construction Company London.

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