Sunday, 25 August 2013 (Fake company / advance fee

SYZRANREF.RU is a FRAUD / fake company / non-delivery scam. The website is barely a year old with content is copied from legitimate Slavneft 's websites.

domain: SYZRANREF.RU (Fake company / advance fee fraud)
org: Open Joint Stock Company "Syzran Refinery"
registrar: REGRU-REG-RIPN
created: 2012.07.18
paid-till: 2014.07.18
free-date: 2014.08.18
source: TCI (Fake company / advance fee fraud)
Syzran Refinery
Moskvorechje str., 105, bld.8, Moscow 115 523
Phone/Fax: +7 495 998 03 21

It's amazing that you would contemplate paying such fees without first having a proper due diligence done. In the future it would be advisable that you contact your embassy in Russia and ask that they recommend a company or law firm that will do your due diligence for a fee, it will be money well spent.

Look at my post regarding the dozens of West African scammers arrested in Russia three days ago who had stolen millions$, doing exactly this type of scams using fake websites like SYZRANREF.RU - One company losing half a million$

Details of last year's arrests of West African commodity scammers in Russia are posted here:
They included Cameroon scammer Etienne Mbega who had been exposed since June 2011, just him alone had setup over 30 fake Russian commodity websites:

**Could you post the bank transfer details of these scammers please**

Here are the two most important links to read regarding offers of Russian commodities.
- Russian Oil Product Import/Export Scam
- Identifying Obvious Scammers and Their Websites

Last edited by poirot : Today at 11:33.
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1 comment:

  1. 30614 Due diligence done by RFS for offer from fake oil traders claiming to be Syzran refinery
    This is from the real and original Rosneft website . Please read below
    email contacts and phones of the concerned person.
    Contact Information
    Full Name: OJSC Syzran Refinery
    Acting General Director: Stezhko Konstantin Ionovich
    Address: 1 Astrakhanskaya st., Syzran 446009, Samara region, Russia
    Tel: +7 (8464) 98-81-11
    Fax: +7 (8464) 98-81-22
    Please note carefully the website .
    Now what we have with the certificate is the following
    1) Tele/Fax + 7 ( 8464 ) 98-81-22 Now this is the real Fax number
    2) + 7 495 998 03 21 This number is a Moscow number ! and NOT a Samara region number !

    Please read below for the area code

    Calls within a city or region[edit]
    xxx-xx-xx (exception: Moscow—see below), e.g.:
    • 3-45-67
    • 22-33-44
    • 234-56-78
    Local phone numbers in Russia may be made up of five (x-xx-xx), six (xx-xx-xx), or seven (xxx-xx-xx) digits.
    Moscow City has two area codes assigned: 495 and 499.
    • when calling from 495 and 499 to 499:
    • when calling from 499 and 495 to 495:
    Calls between these two codes are local calls and are not charged at long distance rates.

    The Documents are signed by Kloyan Andrei Saribekovic and NOT the authorized General Director
    Mr. Stenzho Konstantin Ionovich .

    Thanks guys for all the other excellent exposes ! Looks like most of these are still originating from West Africa , Nigerians , Camaroonains and Russians .
